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Fresh vegetables on a pair of vintage kitchen scales with kitchen utensils and pickled chilli peppers

Fresh vegetables on a pair of vintage kitchen scales with kitchen utensils and pickled chilli peppers

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A waiter checking a table laid in a restaurant
Ravioli being filled with cream cheese (close-up)
Fresh vegetables on a pair of vintage kitchen scales with kitchen utensils and pickled chilli peppers
A spoonful of tiramisu being taken from a dish
Fried garlic chips
A table laid in a restaurant
Grilled fish with onions and tomatoes in a restaurant
Laid table in a restaurant
An interior view of Cafe-Epicerie Le Central (detail)

Esta fotografía forma parte de un reportaje

Homage to Italy
© Reportaje de Del Olmo, Henri | 43 Imágenes y Texto

Michel Troisgros comes from a line of star-crowned chefs: his father, uncle and grandfather all earned their Michelin stars. Now he pays homage to his Italian grandmother with a restaurant called Le Central.

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A la Image Professionals ArtShop
ID de la Imagen:11178252
Subtítulo:Fresh vegetables on a pair of vintage kitchen scales with kitchen utensils and pickled chilli peppers
Tipo de Licencia:Derechos gestionados
Proveedor:StockFood / Del Olmo, Henri
Tamaño de fotografía:3407 px x 5130 px