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A white metal bucket with a green plant and bright pink fly swat

A white metal bucket with a green plant and bright pink fly swat

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Grill with skewers in the garden
An afternoon barbeque in a garden with a red flower bed in the background
A table laid in a garden with a white bench and green cushions and a blanket
A three piece wicker basket set with fresh garlic in front of a metal trellis
A flight of stone steps with flowers in wicker baskets and garden tools
A white metal bucket with a green plant and bright pink fly swat

Image Professionals ArtShop

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A la Image Professionals ArtShop
ID de la Imagen:00708396
Subtítulo:A white metal bucket with a green plant and bright pink fly swat
Tipo de Licencia:Derechos gestionados
Proveedor:StockFood / Persson, Per Magnus
Tamaño de fotografía:3622 px x 4825 px
Restricciones: clearance required for commercial uses