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Chocolate tart with fresh berries

Chocolate tart with fresh berries

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desde USD 20

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commercial (electronic, outdoor, print, social media, television etc.) desde USD 110
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Chocolate tart with fresh berries
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Chocolate tart with fresh berries
Austrian apricot cake
Chocolate and nut soufflé
Cheesecake with cherries
Summer cake buffet
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Esta fotografía forma parte de un reportaje

Sweet Summer Delights
© Reportaje de Allig, Birgid | 8 Imágenes y Texto

Welcome to a summer filled with the lightest, most delectable cakes and desserts designed to delight your senses! As the sun shines brighter, indulge in our collection of summer-inspired treats, where each slice and spoonful promises a refreshing escape.

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A la Image Professionals ArtShop
ID de la Imagen:14118353
Subtítulo:Chocolate tart with fresh berries
Tipo de Licencia:Derechos gestionados
Proveedor:StockFood / Allig, Birgid
Tamaño de fotografía:4480 px x 6720 px