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Rustic Christmas table decoration made of wood, moss and twigs

Rustic Christmas table decoration made of wood, moss and twigs

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Homemade eggnog for Christmas
Crispy Christmas roast with apples and root vegetables
Christmas salad with fennel and orange vinaigrette
Rustic Christmas table decoration made of wood, moss and twigs
Vanilla ice cream and gingerbread biscuits for Christmas
Mini fish sandwiches with herbs for Christmas

Esta fotografía forma parte de un reportaje

A Norwegian Christmas
© Reportaje de Hole, Aina C. | 8 Imágenes y Texto

Christmas in Norway is a treat with a decidedly Scandanavian twist. Start the meal with fish dish served with cream cheese toast. Eggnog is a must and the roast is stuffed with apples. End the feast with a gingerbread ice cream sandwich and sit back to enjoy the Nordic lights.

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A la Image Professionals ArtShop
ID de la Imagen:11182592
Subtítulo:Rustic Christmas table decoration made of wood, moss and twigs
Tipo de Licencia:Derechos gestionados
Proveedor:StockFood / Hole, Aina C.
Tamaño de fotografía:4032 px x 4334 px
Restricciones: not available in NO,SE
not available in SE